Wednesday, September 21, 2016

John Wooden

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player."

By: John Wooden

What this statement means is being a good person is better than being a basketball player. They rather have you be a kind and a person that chooses the right instead of a person that chooses the wrong. They want you to be a basketball player that chooses the right and not the wrong. Being a mean basketball player that does thing that their not suppose to do will have consequences. A person that chooses the right will always be the best. Having a good heart will always do you best than someone who is not. Being a basketball player is not as important as being a person that chooses the good decision. A basket ball player is just a play and that person can chooses to right or wrong. The best thing you can be is a basketball player that choose the right. The person that you are is very important because the actions you do will affect you. Remember to always be a good person.

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